Coaching & Workshops

Why should you have coaching? Because most top performers do!

Coaching helps you become the very best version of yourself as a leader, executive and whole person. It feels like a blend of therapy and board discussion and I have seen my clients excel following coaching. If you do some research you’ll see that all the top leaders have coaches, the former Google CEO Eric Schmidt says the best advice he ever got was to get a coach and Bill Gates emphatically says everyone should have a coach.  Some benefits of having a coach are:

· Deeper learnings – about yourself, how you’re perceived, where you can improve

· Space to hear your own voice – to talk something through and gain perspective with a neutral person

· Awareness of perspectives, beliefs, and attitudes that may be holding you back
· Support for improving any specific skills – team building, dealing with difficult people, motivation of others etc.
· Hard results – greater productivity for you and your team, faster promotions
· Faster action – advancing things faster and with greater precision with your team
· Support and confidence to make bold moves
· Clarity on your values and what you stand for
· Ideas for ways to improve that you may not see – awareness of blind spots